Clinical Services

Adult Rehabilitation Services
Evaluation: Time Varies
Therapy Sessions: 45-60 minutes
Adult rehabilitation services include an assessment and a treatment plan that is client centered. We will work with clients and their families/caregivers to address speech, language, cognitive-communication, voice, swallowing, fluency, and other related disorders to improve the client’s overall quality of life.

Early Intervention Services
Evaluation: Time Varies
Therapy Sessions: 30 minutes
We provide early intervention services focusing on communication and feeding skills to children from birth to five (0-5). Our early intervention services supports babies and toddlers with developmental delays and/or disabilities.

Individual Education Plan (IEP) Consultation/ Advocacy Services
Time Varies
We offer consultation and advocacy services to assist parents with understanding components of their child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP), including placement, accommodations, goals, related services, etc. These services prepare parents/caregivers for IEP meeting(s) to ensure their concerns are not only heard and understood, but also addressed.
Private therapy sessions can be conducted via a secure, HIPAA compliant teletherapy platform. Please contact us if you are interested in a free, teletherapy trial session.